I need:

Help with Medical/Health Issues

Ksyen Regional Hospital (formerly Mills Memorial) (250) 635-2211

Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) (250)-631-4202

Park Avenue Medical Clinic (250) 615-5030 / (250) 615-5040

Terrace Pediatrics (250) 638-4089

HG Health Centre (778) 634-2300

HealthLink BC 811

Counselling for Me

Women Only:

‘Ksan Society (250) 635-2373 (223) or stvor@ksansociety.ca


Mental Health (250) 631-4202

TDCSS (250) 635-3178

Grief and/or Loss/Trauma:

Mournings Dawn (250) 635-6706

General Counselling:

All Genders Trauma Counselling (250) 635-2373 or counselling@ksansociety.ca

Northwest Counselling (250) 638-8311

Nourishing Life (250) 615-5824

help with Alcohol / Drug use

Alcoholics Anonymous (250)-635-6533 / Meeting Lists Available

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Lists Available

TDCSS (250) 635-3178 or info@tdcss.ca

Mental Health (250) 631-4202

Adult Day Treatment Program (250) 631-4202

Help finding a job

Work BC (250) 638-8108

Skilled Trade Employment Program (250) 635-1100

Kermode Friendship Society (250) 635-4906 (1031)





Help getting Social Assistance

TDCSS (250) 635-3178

Ministry of Social Development & Poverty Reduction 1 (866) 866-0800

Help going back to school

Coast Mountain College (250) 635-6511

Piping Industry College (778) 634-2347

North Coast Distance Education (250) 635-7944

TDCSS (250) 635-7995

WorkBC (250) 638-8108

help with parenting

PEACE Counsellor at ‘Ksan (250) 635-2373 ext 225
(or peace@ksansociety.ca)

STV Women’s Outreach at ‘Ksan Society (250) 635-2373 ext 227

Park Centre (250) 635-1830