A unique social service agency

‘Ksan Society has been providing programs to Terrace, and surrounding area, since 1979. The Society operates on the principle that women and men are equal, and believing that the cycle of violence can be broken. The Society provides public education, social programs, safe shelter, food and essentials to women and their children fleeing abuse, and to women, men and families who are homeless or otherwise disadvantaged.

Counselling and support, both individual and group sessions, are available for children and adults of all genders who have been directly and/or indirectly impacted by violence and abuse.  Subsidized housing programs aim to ensure individuals and families do not pay more than 30% of their income towards rent for a safe, secure, home.  Food security programs assist those in need access fresh and nutritious food.

There are many facets to being healthy, safe, and secure; the Society provides a wide range of  programs and services to the community - each being open and available to any and all in need.


All ‘Ksan Society services are Free and confidential

Having a roof over my head greatly improved my life. With consistent security, safe place to live, regular meals, visiting with my kids, keeping consistent with my appointments. My well being is growing.
— 'Ksan Society Client

Gather for good!

Join us on February 22nd for Coldest Night of the Year, our biggest fundraiser to support cold-weather programming in Terrace.

Thank you to our CNOY2025 Sponsors!

Stable, supported tenancies for market rental units.

'Ksan Society is seeking rental units for people participating in the Supported Rent Supplement Program (SRSP), a government-funded program aimed at improving the personal wellbeing of participants, enabling them to transition to or remain in stable market housing.

For more information, visit https://ksansociety.com/srsp or call the SRSP Support Worker at (672) 977-6988

About US




Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of our decades of help.






Do you need help? Check our support pages for information that assist you in achieving your personal goals.

‘Ksan Society acknowledges that it operates in traditional Ts’msyen territory, on lands stewarded since time immemorial by the Kitselas and Kitsumkalum Peoples. In our work of providing housing, shelter, and trauma support, we recognize the impact of historical and present-day colonial activity and institutional racism that continue to impact the Indigenous Peoples of this territory and beyond.

In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.
— Albert Einstein